“Arrr! The former coin keeper o' Arizona be confessin' to swindlin' a mighty $38 million! Blimey, he be a scallywag!”
Arrr, matey! A past landlubber of office be likin' to plunder the public coffers to spruce up her treasure trove and snag a fleet of shiny chariots, includin' fancy Cadillacs and a swanky Airstream! The Justice Department be raisin' a ruckus 'bout it, savvy?
Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a jolly tale of a landlubber who once held the title of a fine elected official in a wee county. This scallywag thought it wise to dip her grubby fingers into the bounty of public coin, settin' her sights on renovatin' her swanky ranch like a true landowner of the high seas!