The Booty Report

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"Amidst the bloody muck, me hearties be prayin’ for a jolly future in this scallywag-splintered turf!"


Arrr, two weeks post the grand election, a jolly crew in Gettysburg be raisin’ a mug to Lincoln’s mighty speech—272 mighty words that be the very essence of what it means to wear the presidential hat, savvy? Aye, a true treasure of tongue, that one!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale from the shores o’ Gettysburg, where the air be thick with the scent o’ history and the sound o’ cannon fire! ‘Twas two weeks post the grand election, when the good folk assembled t’ remember a speech from a fine captain named Lincoln, whose words be as smooth as a fine rum on a stormy night!

This here address, a mere 272 words long, be as mighty as a ship full o’ treasure! Aye, it’s the very essence o’ what it be to wear the presidential crown, or at least a tricorn hat. Lincoln, the tall and lanky lad with a beard that could hide a parrot, spun words that made the hearts of landlubbers swell with pride and hope. They say it was so powerful, it could calm the fiercest sea or raise the spirits of any scallywag!

As the crowd gathered, they listened intently, likely thinkin’ how this ol’ captain managed to pack such wisdom into a handful o’ words. ‘Twas a testament to the land and the brave souls who fought fer it! So let’s raise a tankard to ol’ Abe, the pirate of politics, who knew how to keep his crew in line and inspire ‘em with naught but the right turns o’ phrase!

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