Arrr, Trump be plundering the seas o' secret doubloons for his crew o' transition scallywags!
Arrr mateys! President-elect Trump be shunnin’ the old ways, keepin’ his treasure chests and generous backers under lock and key! He be refusin’ to spill the beans on who be fillin’ his sails or cap’n their gold. A true buccaneer of politics, that one! Avast!
Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a chap named Donald J. Trump, a President-elect as bold as a sea captain on the high seas! Unlike the good ol' days when ye scallywags would spill the beans on yer treasure sources, this here Trump has decided to keep his buccaneering finances shrouded in mystery, like a chest of gold locked tight on Davy Jones' locker.