The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Lawmakers be battlin’ them woke seas and DEI shenanigans like scallywags at a rum-soaked tavern brawl!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers in power, along with the merchant scallywags and that Trump captain, be settin' their sights on scuttlin' them fancy DEI codes all ’round the federal seas and beyond! Aye, it be a jolly good tussle!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I regale ye with news from the treacherous waters of politics! Word be blowin’ in the wind that some state lawmakers and businesses be settin’ their sights on toppin’ the mighty ship of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies—aye, those fancy DEI schemes that’ve invaded every industry from the military to the high seas of commerce!

Last week, in a raucous session o' the House, a fierce lass named Rep. Jasmine Crockett took a swing at a Republican scallywag who dared call DEI “oppression.” She be shoutin’, “Where be the oppression for the white man?” as she painted a vivid picture of true woes on the high seas of history, makin' it clear that no white bloke be dragged across the oceans like some poor soul.

As the winds shift with the expected return of the Trump crew, they be readyin’ to unleash their cannons on these DEI initiatives. With whispers of a multibillion-dollar "DEI enterprise," fears of racial quotas be rearing their ugly heads! Aye, companies be frightened of the government’s wrath, and the rumblings of lawsuits from red-state captains be echoing in the distance. The seas be treacherous, and the focus on quality goods be lost amidst this storm o’ social engineering! Arrr!

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