The Booty Report

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"Argh, those landlubber schools be battlin’ the pro-Palestinian scallywags like a sea monster in a tempest, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! It be seemin' that the watchful eyes and heavy hands o' the landlubbers be doin' their trick! This semester, a mere 950 ruckus shenanigans be spied, a far cry from the 3,000 tempests blowin' last spring! Avast, the scallywags be learnin'!

Ahoy there, matey! Gather 'round and lend thine ear to this tale of campus shenanigans! It be said that stricter rules and harsher punishments be workin' wonders at the universities, like a fine grog settlin’ the stormy seas of mischief!

In the springtime, ye could find a ruckus afoot, with over 3,000 protestin' events breakin' out like barnacles on a ship's hull. But lo and behold! This semester, the number's takin' a dive, sinkin’ to a mere 950 protests. Aye, it seems the scallywags have finally learned to keep their heads down or face the dreaded plank!

These newfangled rules be stricter than the captain's code, and the punishments be harsher than a stormy night at sea. Whether it be the threat of walkin' the plank or endin' up in the brig, the students be thinkin' twice before makin' a ruckus.

So, hoist the sails of order, me hearties! With fewer protests brewin’, it appears the universities be runnin' smoother than a ship with a full crew. But beware, for the spirit of rebellion never truly sleeps; it be merely lurkin' like a sly sea serpent awaitin' its chance to strike again!

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