The Booty Report

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Arrr! NYC matey be sayin' to scuttle them 'dangerous' sanctuary policies, or ye be swimmin' with the fishes!


Arrr, matey! Councilman Robert Holden be sayin' that President-elect Trump oughta hoist his sails and dive into the fray if them scallywags in charge keep coverin' up for the landlubbers without papers! Avast, we be needin' a captain to steer this ship right!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of political tempest brewin' in the bustling port of New York City! There be a Democrat, one Robert Holden by name, callin' for the repeal of those so-called "sanctuary" policies, claimin' they be breakin' federal law and puttin' good folk in perilous waters!

This scallywag Holden, whilst speakin' to the lads over at "Fox & Friends," be spoutin' that them Democratic governors and city mayors be givin' refuge to ne'er-do-wells and scoundrels, shieldin' criminals and terrorists like they be precious doubloons. Aye, he insists that both federal and state crews must work together to keep the seas safe from illegal immigrants and dastardly plots, harkin' back to the terrible days of yore that let the 9/11 attacks slip through the cracks!

He be callin' on the mighty Trump to ride in on a white horse, threatenin' the local officials with the clank of jail bars if they be harborin' such rogues. And lo, New York be spendin' a treasure of $3.7 billion in this fiscal year alone on keepin' those migrants afloat! So hoist the sails, me hearties, for a grand debate be afoot on the high seas of politics, and may the best crew win!

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