Arrr, matey! Transgender scallywags be wonderin’ if their ruckus be the best way to hoist the flag o' change!
Arrr, with the crew’s cheers growin’ faint, some scallywags be claimin’ that their bold plans be sinkin’ like a cursed ship! "We must hoist the Jolly Roger of change, mateys! It be no crime to swap yer colors!"
“Avast!” they be cryin’, “We must make it fair fer folks to change their minds, lest we be left stranded on this here deserted isle of indifference!” In their quest for support, they be seekin’ to ease the tension, like a parrot relaxin' on a sunny perch. “Let’s hoist the flag of flexibility,” they declare, “and invite all hands on deck, even if they be wavering like a ship in a storm!”
So, there ye have it, me mateys! These brave souls be learnin’ that sometimes, it’s better to barter and negotiate, rather than demandin’ the whole treasure chest right off the bat. Perhaps the secret to fillin’ their sails lies in makin’ room for a change of heart, much like a pirate who knows when to share his rum! Yarrr!