The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The Carolina captain doth scuttle the G.O.P. scallywags' scheme to seize the treasure! Avast, ye knaves!


Arrr, the Republicans be wieldin' a mighty supermajority in the ol' legislature, ready to clash with Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto! Aye, a squall o' bickerin' over state power and hurricane booty be brewin' on the horizon! Let the scallywags dance and duel for their share o' treasure!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I be havin’ news from the landlubber’s realm of politics! The Republicans, with a fearsome supermajority in the grand ol’ legislature, be lookin’ to hoist their sails and sail right over Governor Roy Cooper’s veto. Aye, the winds be shiftin’, and it be time for a new clash o’ titans over the treasures of state power and the booty of hurricane aid!

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