The Booty Report

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Arrr, Sharpton's scandal be bouncin’ 'round the MSNBC ship! An insider be sayin’, "That just won’t do, matey!"


Arrr, me hearties! The hullabaloo 'round Rev. Al Sharpton's treasure chest, fillin’ up from the Harris crew before a jolly chat with the vice captain on MSNBC, be causin' quite the ruckus on the high seas of television! Avast, the scandal be more turbulent than a stormy squall!

Arrr, gather ye mateys, for a tale be a-brewin’ on the high seas of cable news! The notorious Rev. Al Sharpton, host of the MSNBC ship, finds himself caught in a scandal storm that be makin’ waves mighty high at 30 Rock! It seems the goodly Vice President Kamala Harris tossed a treasure of 500,000 doubloons to Sharpton’s National Action Network, just before she had a cozy chinwag with him — a real “friendly interview,” aye! But lo and behold, MSNBC claims they knew naught of this gold exchange! The scallywags at the network be callin’ it a “bridge too far” indeed!

Ye see, those aboard the MSNBC ship be quite perturbed, mutterin’ about the peculiar stench of “pay-to-play.” An insider quipped, “This feels grifty and gross!” And even the crew think Sharpton be sailin’ under different rules than the rest of the lot. This storm be a-comin’, and while they suspect naught will happen to Sharpton, there be a sense that wrongdoings should be reckon’d with. As one salty sailor said, “A three-year-old could see the conflict in this!” Arrr, with this kind of coin changin’ hands, ye can bet the barnacles be a-festerin’ on the hull of journalistic integrity! Yarrr!

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