The Booty Report

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Arrr, what be a Billions-Loaded Scallywag to do now, eh? Chart a course for gold or find a parley!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags o' the donor crew be fightin’ the ghost o’ Trump’s triumph, frettin’ over payback and sluggish winds o’ liberal zeal. Aye, some landlubber Democrats be thinkin’ o’ hoistin the anchor and settin' sail to foreign shores! What a merry band o' cowards!

Avast ye hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the scallywags of the Democratic crew, grapplin’ with the tempestuous waters that be Donald Trump’s victory. Aye, these wealthy buccaneers of the donor class be shiverin’ in their boots, fretful of the vengeful winds that might blow their way. They worry that the liberal spirits be as sluggish as a barnacle-covered ship, makin’ it hard to sail forth with a strong tide!

‘Tis a fine mess, I tell ye! Some of these swabs, with their coffers full of doubloons, be ponderin’ the notion of weighin’ anchor and settin’ sail for distant shores! That’s right, mates, they’re thinkin’ of leavin’ the good ol’ U.S. of A behind, hopin’ to find a more hospitable port away from the raucous ruckus of democracy!

But fear not, for the sea be unpredictable! These well-heeled landlubbers might just find that the grass be not greener on the other side of the horizon. So hoist the sails, me hearties, and let’s see if they weather the storm or take to the high seas in search of calmer waters! Arrr, the pirate’s life be full of surprises, especially amidst this political squall!

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