Avast! Youth pastor caught with a treasure chest o' nearly 200 scandalous misdeeds from days of yore! Blimey!
Arrr, it be a right jolly tale! The scallywag be plunderin' his own kin, say the lawmen! Even five of his wee nieces took a stand against him back in the year o' our Lord, 2004. Aye, family feuds be the finest treasure of all!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round and lend me yer ears, fer I’ve a tale most peculiar to spin! 'Tis the story of a scallywag who found himself in the briny depths of trouble, and lo and behold, many a victim were kinfolk, ye see! Aye, even five of his own nieces, bless their hearts, took it upon themselves to file a complaint against their dear uncle back in the year of our Lord, 2004!