The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Donald Trump Jr. be risin' as a trusty scallywag, ready to swab the decks of his old man's ship!"


Arrr, his kin be sailin’ far from the captain’s crew, but the eldest lad o’ the president-elect be makin’ quite the splash! He’s the trusty matey who can sniff out loyalty to the Trump flag like a sea dog sniffin’ out a barrel o’ rum!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the scallywag known as the eldest son of the president-elect, a rogue who be strutting about like a peacock in a treasure trove! While his kin have sailed off to distant shores, leaving the inner circle as empty as a sunken galleon, this lad has hoisted the black flag o’ loyalty to the Trump political brand, aye!

With a keen eye sharper than a pirate's cutlass, he be known far and wide as the one who can sniff out loyalty like a bloodhound on the scent o’ gold doubloons. Whether it be landlubbers or sea dogs, he doth assess their allegiance with a wink and a nod, savvier than the wiliest captain steering his ship through a stormy sea!

So, beware, ye who seek to curry favor! This lad be holdin' the keys to the treasure chest of power, and he ain’t afraid to toss ye overboard if ye don’t pledge yer fealty! Aye, in the grand theater of politics, he be the jester and the judge, all rolled into one! So raise yer tankards and toast to this crafty buccaneer, the loyal guardian of the Trump legacy! Arrr!

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