The Booty Report

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Arrr! Martha Stewart be bakin’ like a landlubber, makin’ a blunder 'fore the grand feast o’ Thanksgiving! Har har!


Arrr! Ol' Martha Stewart be settin' sail on Instagram 'fore the feast of thanks, claimin' she toiled two whole days makin' 35 pies! But lo! She admits to a blunder in her bakin'. Aye, even the finest shipshape can run aground, savvy?

Arrr mateys, gather 'round fer the tale of the culinary queen, Martha Stewart, who be a-plunderin’ the kitchen to craft a Thanksgiving feast fit fer a captain! This lass be tellin’ the world through the magical scroll of Instagram that she whipped up a mighty 35 pies, from chocolate pecan to pumpkin phyllo. Aye, but even the best of us can make a blunder, and our Martha be no exception!

She did declare, “Aye, it took me two whole days, 100 eggs, and a treasure trove of ingredients that would make a pirate’s heart swell!” But in her haste, she forgot to place her cookie sheets under some of those bubbling beauties, resulting in a glorious mess fit fer Davy Jones’ locker!

Before she be settlin’ down to rule the land of lifestyle, this lass was a stockbroker on Wall Street, savvy as a sea serpent! She made her name with books and a TV show, then sailed her brand to the New York Stock Exchange. After a stint in a prison ship fer insider trading—a right scandal!—she returned to the public eye with her charm intact, even teaming up with Snoop Dogg fer a right jolly show.

So raise yer tankards to Martha, the pirate queen of pies! Arrr!

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