The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Aye, fewer wee squalls in the bilge since Roe's ship sank, says the CDC!"


Arrr, me hearties! In the year o' our Lord 2022, the count o' landlubber abortions in the U.S. dipped a wee 2%, like a soggy biscuit, after the wise court tossed Roe v. Wade overboard! Aye, it be a small wave in a vast ocean o' choice!

Ahoy me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the state of affairs in the land of the brave and the free, where the winds of change have blown upon the matter of women's choices! In the year of our Lord 2022, after the Supreme Court scuttled Roe v. Wade, the tally of abortions in the good ol' U.S. of A. saw but a wee drop, a mere 2% decline, from 622,000 to 609,000, savvy?

Yarrr, according to the swabs at the CDC, the count of abortions dipped like a ship in a stormy sea, but only by a smidgen. Most of these procedures occurred before the ninth week of pregnancy, with more than 70% bein' early medication abortions—like a pirate’s potion for a quick fix! It appears that the lasses in their 20s be the captains of this ship, representin' more than half the crew.

Meanwhile, some states, led by the Republican crew, have raised their sails high and enacted bans, with a few exceptions for when a medical tempest brews. Yet, in the midst of this legislative squall, a judge in Wyoming tossed aside some laws, callin' 'em unconstitutional! So there ye have it, mateys, a tale of numbers and laws, all while the tides of change continue to roll 'round! Arrr!

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