The Booty Report

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Arrr, the White House be spoutin' off 'gainst them scallywags Hamas, callin' Edan's plight a cruel jest o' fate!


Arrr, the White House be spoutin’ off ‘bout a newly unfurled moving picture of our matey Edan Alexander, held captive by them scallywags of Hamas! They called it a right cruel poke at their mischief! Aye, even the sea be shudderin’ at such treachery!

Ahoy, me hearties! The White House be raisin' a ruckus over a frightful video of poor Edan Alexander, a lad caught in the clutches of the dastardly Hamas. This be a cruel reminder of their treachery, it be said, as the 20-year-old, a brave dual citizen of the Americas and Israel, be shown weepin' and coverin' his face like a scallywag caught in a storm.

He’s been a prisoner fer over 420 days, and in the cursed footage, he be lookin' as pale as a ghost on a moonless night. He had to send messages to the likes of Prime Minister Netanyahu and President-elect Trump, beggin' for a morsel of mercy! The National Security Council be keepin' a watchful eye on the situation, and they’re in contact with his kin, tryin' to bring this young lad home.

In a tale of woe, ol' Sean Savett declared that if Hamas would just release the hostages, the war would be over quicker than ye can say “shiver me timbers!” President Biden be workin' like a dog to secure the freedom of the captives. Meanwhile, Edan’s folks be tellin' tales of bravery, how their boy tried to calm the frightened souls in the dark tunnels. Aye, it be a saga of hope amidst the stormy seas of strife!

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