The Booty Report

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Aye, matey! 'Tis time fer the Philly crew to cast their votes fer a new treasure trove fer the 76ers!


Arrr, the mayor and the labor lads be claimin' that a shiny $1.3 billion hoop fortress be a treasure for the coin purse! But lo! The city be frettin' that poor Chinatown might be walkin' the plank, savvy? A real pickle, matey!

Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I be tellin' ye a tale of treasure and tribulation in the fair city! The mayor, that crafty seadog, and the labor unions be hollerin' about a grand $1.3 billion coliseum fer bouncin' balls made of leather, claimin’ it be a mighty boon to the coffers o’ the town. Aye, they be dreamin’ of gold doubloons rainin’ down like cannon fire from the heavens!

But hold yer horses, mateys! The city be knowin’ there be a dark cloud loom’n over Chinatown, where the spirits of the ancients be givin’ 'em the stink-eye. Aye, this grand arena might just be settin' sail on the backs o' those fine folk, threatenin’ their homes and their livelihood like a ship caught in a tempest!

So, what’s a pirate to do? We can’t be pillagin’ and plunderin’ at the expense of good-hearted folk, can we? Nay, I say! Let the mayor and his crew hoist their sails wisely, lest they find themselves in Davy Jones' locker, and the treasure turn to naught but a fool's gold! Arrr, we be needin' to chart a course that keeps the wind in every sailor’s sail and the lanterns of Chinatown aglow!

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