The Booty Report

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Arrr, a Canadian port be penalized fer not hoistin’ the rainbow flag, ye scallywags! Celebrate or pay the price, matey!


Arrr, a wee Canadian port be caught in a pickle! They be fined ten thousand doubloons fer not shoutin’ “Pride Month” and refusin’ to hoist the colorful flag o’ joy! Blimey, what’s next? A fine fer not dancin’ a jig on deck? Har har har!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather round fer a tale from the frosty shores of Emo, Ontario, where the good folk be facin' a hefty bounty of $10,000 fer refusin' to raise the jolly "LGBTQ2 rainbow flag" on their municipal mast during Pride Month.

This wee town, with a population smaller than a ship's crew, be caught in a tempest of trouble after defyin' a request from a group called Borderland Pride. They sought to declare June as Pride Month, arguin' that it be as necessary as rum on a long voyage. But the council, led by the stubborn Captain McQuaker, said nay, claimin' there be no flag fer "the straight folks." Blimey, that be a cannonball of a comment!

The Human Rights Tribunal deemed such talk as demeaning, and they ordered the town to learn a thing or two about human rights. Along with the fine, the council members be takin' an online course called "Human Rights 101." Aye, talk about bein’ schooled! So, Emo better hoist that rainbow flag or risk bein’ left in the brig of public opinion. Arrr, the winds of change be blowin’ strong, me hearty!

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