The Booty Report

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Arrr, Schumer be hoisting the sails fer F.B.I. checks and callin’ fer the Senate to parley over Trump’s mateys!


Arrr matey! In a missive, the captain of the Democrats be sayin' that his crew be ready to parley with the Republicans on the president-elect's pickin's. But, by the powers, they insists on givin' 'em the ol' Senate once-over first, like a ship checkin' for barnacles!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of political seas where Democrats and Republicans sail the same ship, albeit with a fair bit o' squabblin' and bickering! In a missive not fit fer a parrot's beak, the captain o' the Democrats proclaimed that his scallywags be ready to join forces with the rival crew to examine the president-elect’s chosen mates. But, ye see, there be a catch, a twist in the tale!

“Aye,” he thundered, “but these landlubbers must endure the traditional Senate vetting! We shan't let just any ol’ barnacle aboard without a thorough inspection!” The Democrats be all about keepin' the standards high, like the crow's nest on a fine ship! They ain't lettin' any old fish swim into their ranks without a proper investigatin’—aye, it be a matter of pride, so it be!

So, while they be ready to hoist the sails together and chart a course through the murky waters of government, they still be keepin' a sharp eye out for any scallywags tryin' to sneak past their watchful gaze. It seems even in the land of politics, trust be a treasure worth protectin’, savvy? Arrr, let the games begin!

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