The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Whistleblowers be sayin' Hunter's pardon be a treasure for the elite, while poor sailors walk the plank!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags Shapley and Ziegler be spillin' the beans on why they be feelin’ like bilge rats over Captain Biden’s choice to set free his wayward lad, Hunter. Aye, it be a right swashbucklin’ disappointment, that be!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties! The tale be spun o’ two brave souls, the IRS whistleblowers, who sailed into Congress to share their yarn 'bout the Justice Department meddlin' in Hunter Biden’s tax troubles. They be sayin’ the grand pardon issued by President Biden for his wayward son be no surprise to them! Aye, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler be speakin’ to the fair lass Martha MacCallum, spillin’ the beans 'bout how the winds had been blowin’ toward this pardon long before it set sail.

Shapley, with a wink and a nod, declared the pardon was as expected as a rogue wave on the high seas, claimin’ ol’ Joe spun a yarn to the folks, denyin’ he’d show mercy to his lad. But lo and behold, there it was! Biden’s son, who had danced with danger over tax mischief and firearm folly, was handed a golden ticket to freedom! The President be sayin’ Hunter was unfairly hunted like a scallywag, but Ziegler, a man o’ the law, scoffed, sayin’ many a good citizen bears the burden of taxes without such favours.

Even the captain o' Colorado, Jared Polis, be shakin’ his head, warnin’ that this be a slippery slope fer future captains of the ship! Aye, it seems the tides of justice be capricious, and the crew be left wonderin’ if any seafarer be truly above the law!

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