Arrr! A scallywag from China be smuggling boomsticks to North Korea from the sunny shores of California, says the DOJ!
Arrr, it be said that a scallywag from the land of the dragon be smuggling iron ānā gunpowder from the Golden State to the land of the chubby tyrant! Federal sea dogs be on the hunt for this slippery knave, aye!
Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of a scallywag named Shenghua Wen, a Chinese knave who thought it wise to be shipper of arms to the land of North Korea, aye! Aye, this lubber was caught red-handed by the Justice Department, tryin' to smuggle firearms and ammo from the sunny shores of California to the black-hearted land of Kim Jong-un!It be said that Wen, with the help of some foul companions, stashed two shipments of weaponry inside containers, sneakin' 'em through Long Beach, past Hong Kong, and straight into the clutches of the North Korean tyrants. And what did the federal agents find in his lair? A couple of curious gadgets meant for military mischief and a stash of 50,000 rounds oā 9mm ammo, enough to make any pirate shiver in his boots!
But wait, it gets better! Our dear Wen, who be here illegally, was takin' orders from North Korea, like a good cabin boy. They even slipped him a cool $2 million to procure toys for their dark ambitions, like military uniforms for a surprise attack on South Korea! Aye, this tale be not just a merry romp but a grave reminder of the dangers lurkin' in the shadows o' international waters, savvy?