The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! The young'uns be seekin' their truth, but the court be readyin' to weigh anchor on their care!"


Arrr, matey! Come Wednesday, the high judges be settin' sail to debate if Tennessee and a band of twenty scallywags can hoist the anchor on certain healings for the wee ones of the transgender crew. A right ruckus it be! Avast, let the arguments fly like cannonballs!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a ruckus brewin’ in the landlubber courts o' Tennessee and beyond! Come this Wednesday, the justices be settin’ sail to ponder if it be right for the fine folks of over 20 states to hoist the black flag on certain medical treatments fer our young scallywags who be seekin’ to chart their own course in the wild seas of identity.

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