The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! In Tennessee, families o' wee ones who sail the gender seas be forced to make tricky choices, arrr!


Arrr, matey! On the morrow, the grand court o’ supreme shall weigh anchor on a ruckus ‘bout the landlubber’s ban on treatin’ young buccaneers of the transgender seas! A right squall o’ legal shenanigans, I tell ye! Avast, let’s see who sails away with the booty!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the Supreme Court, where the great legal minds be settin’ sail on a treacherous sea of laws and rulings! This fine Wednesday, they be takin’ a gander at a challenge to a state’s ban on certain medical care fer the young lads and lasses who be claimin’ they be on a different course than what the winds of nature had charted for ‘em.

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