The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Bully with a boomstick gives two landlubbers at a wee school a fright, say the scallywags in charge!"


Arrr, matey! At the Feather River school, a scallywag met his fate, takin' a poke at himself with his own cannon! The landlubbers say he shot his own self, and now he be swimmin' with the fishies. A fine way to go, eh?

Arrr, me hearty! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a most curious affair at the Feather River Adventist School, nestled in the fair city of Oroville, Calif. It be a tale of a scallywag who fancied himself a gunman, but alas, his aim was as true as a drunken sailor's compass!

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