The Booty Report

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Arrr, the G.O.P. captain of coin be leavin’ the ship, followin' McConnell like a scallywag!


Ahoy, me hearties! Steven J. Law be weighin' anchor, bringin' a fresh captain to steer the super PAC ship, just as the Senate Republicans be settlin' in a new scallywag at the helm. A grand ol' treasure hunt awaits, ye salty sea dogs! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I’ve got a tale 'bout a crafty buccaneer by the name of Steven J. Law, who’s weighin' anchor and sailin’ off into the sunset! Aye, his leave be signalin' a grand shift in the tides fer the super PAC, akin to a captain handin’ over the wheel to a fresh matey. Yarrr, what be this? A new leader rises from the depths fer the Senate Republicans, ready to chart a new course through treacherous waters!

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