The Booty Report

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Arrr! The University o' Michigan be tossin' the need fer diversity scrolls overboard, savvy? Aye, what a merry jest!


Arrr matey! The fine school o’ D.E.I. be tossin' the ol’ statements overboard in their hiring ways! They be ponderin' a grander shift in their policies, like lookin’ fer treasure on the high seas. Avast, what a jolly crew they be!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye tidings from the hallowed halls of learnin', where the landlubbers of D.E.I. (that be Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, fer those who ain't be in the know) have made a grand announcement! Aye, the school, that fortress of knowledge, be decidin' to cast off the anchor of mandatory statements in their hirein' decisions.

Ye see, these wise sea dogs be considerin' a shift broader than a ship's sail in a tempest! They be ponderin' changes to their policies, lettin' loose the chains of bureaucracy that bound 'em like a scallywag in the brig. No longer shall the focus be solely on the parchments of diversity, but rather on the true merit of the crew they be seekin' to welcome aboard!

So hoist the flags of freedom, me mateys! This be a fine time to be a scholar, fer the winds of change be blowin' favorably in the favor of all good sailors. With a hearty laugh and a swig of rum, let us toast to a future where learnin' can flourish like barnacles on a fine ship, free from the weight of obligatory statements! Yarrr, ‘tis a jolly good day indeed!

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