The Booty Report

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"Blimey! A fiery ruckus at the Baltimore woods, haltin' the highway and sendin' the scallywags to school-less seas!"


Arrr, me hearties! No souls were singed nor forced to flee from the fiery inferno, though the howlin' winds made a right ruckus, claim the landlubbers in charge! Aye, it be a blaze that danced like a mad sea troll, but all hands are safe!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye tidings of a fiery fracas that danced upon the shores! A great blaze did erupt, but fear not, fer no brave souls were harmed nor were any scallywags forced to abandon ship! Aye, the winds be blowin’ fierce that day, makin’ the tussle with the flames as tricky as catchin’ a greased eel!

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