The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! A scallywag in Dallas lost his coin for claimin' a parchment he didn’t earn! Har har!


Arrr, matey! A scallywag at the Dallas constabulary be walkin' the plank for stretchin' the truth 'bout her fancy parchment, hopin' to snag a shiny badge! Aye, in Texas, that be a misdemeanor fit for a landlubber! Give 'er a round o’ hearty laughter, says I!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, fer I’ve a tale o’ deceit from the fair city o’ Dallas! Once there was a lass named Gina Fowler-Strickland, a scallywag who be workin’ as a police report representative. She thought she could swindle her way to glory by claimin’ a fancy degree that be as real as a three-legged sea serpent!

Alas! The winds of misfortune blew fierce upon her sails, fer she was caught in her treachery and was tossed overboard from her job! The police chief, like a fierce captain on the high seas, dismissed her after a disciplinary hearing. The scuttlebutt said she was guilty of "engaging in adverse conduct," which means she was caught tellin' tall tales about her education to nab a promotion!

But wait, me mateys! The saga didn’t end there. Our dear Gina found herself in hot water, bein’ charged with fraud. She even missed a court date, causing a warrant to be issued, but the fates smiled upon her when it was recalled. In the end, the judges decided to let her off the hook after she danced through a pre-trial intervention program. Aye, a true pirate's tale of shenanigans on dry land!

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