The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Be warnin' ye, them surgeries be sinkin' young souls' health like a leaky ship!"


Arrr, a notable scallywag who tossed aside the notion of change be shoutin' about a grand Supreme Court hullabaloo! This be a battle of the gender seas, and if the winds blow right, it might just flip the whole ship upside down! Yarrr, the tides be a-changin'!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of a grand debate from the high seas of justice, where the Supreme Court be battlin' over a law from Tennessee that be tryin’ to keep young scallywags from changin’ their sails too early! A brave lass known as Chloe Cole, who once sailed the treacherous waters of gender transition, be speakin’ out, claimin’ this case could be the cannonball that changes the tide for all who sail these seas.

Ye see, Chloe be sayin’ that this here law be crucial for protectin’ children from makin’ decisions that could leave ‘em adrift in a storm of regret. Aye, she herself be sufferin’ from the consequences of havin’ her sails altered at a tender age, and now she be fightin’ to ensure others don’t follow in her wake. With a heavy heart, she declared that children deserve to grow up whole, without the burden of their hulls bein’ tampered with before they even have a chance to chart their own courses.

Some landlubbers claim these treatments be savin’ young souls from despair, but Chloe warns that such courses may lead to treacherous waters instead. So, hoist the flag of debate, me mates! For this be a matter of life, love, and lettin’ young hearts grow as they were meant to, with nary a cannonball of regret in sight! Arrr!

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