The Booty Report

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Arrr! Barry Keoghan, Sabrina's old matey, be scuttlin' his Instagram, beggin' fer respect 'mongst whispers o' treachery!


Arrr, shortly after scuttlin’ his Instagram ship, Barry Keoghan, the scallywag suspected of makin’ off with Sabrina Carpenter’s heart, be plead’n for respect on the high seas of social media! Avast, matey, ye can’t hoist the black flag and then cry for fair winds!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round for a tale of Barry Keoghan, a scallywag of an actor who recently cast aside his Instagram like an anchor in a storm. Rumor has it he be cheating on his fair maiden, Sabrina Carpenter, sparking a tempest o' talk on the high seas of social media.

With a mighty quill, he took to X (not the treasure map ye hoped for) to declare he’d had enough of the vicious jibes and foul slanders makin' the rounds. "Me name be dragged through the muck," he lamented, sayin' he could no longer let such shenanigans distract him from his kin and craft. The nasty words about his looks and character cut deeper than a cutlass! Arrr!

Then he raged against the tide of vile comments, claimin’ they were knockin’ on his granny's door and threatenin’ his wee lad! "I be workin' hard to be the best pirate-daddy I can be!" he proclaimed. Meanwhile, Sabrina, amidst the swirling gossip, be makin' merry at her own premiere, lookin' as chipper as a parrot on a sunny shoulder.

So, me hearties, let this be a lesson: Treat yer fellow sailors with respect, or ye may find yerself walkin' the plank! Yarrr!

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