The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! UnitedHealthcare's captain found in Davy Jones' locker! A swashbuckling expert be spillin' the beans on the riddle, matey!"


Arrr, Fox News be chattin’ with old Philip Holloway, a swashbucklin’ legal wizard with a badge! He be spillin’ the beans on what curios detectives might be askin’ as they hunt fer treasure of truth. Avast, the law be a tricky sea to navigate, matey!

Arrr mateys! The hunt fer the scallywag who took down UnitedHealthcare's captain, Brian Thompson, be lastin’ longer than a landlubber’s wait fer the tide to turn! Four days have passed since that dastardly deed outside a New York tavern, and detectives be searchin’ high and low fer clues—an abandoned backpack, a water bottle, and some shell casings, oh my!

Now, one Philip Holloway, a legal beagle with a past in law enforcement, be thinkin’ that our gun-totin’ villain might not be sailin’ solo. What a curious thought! How would the knave know the very moment Thompson would stroll out at 6:45 a.m. like a parrot on a perch?

Mayor Adams, the captain of this investigation ship, be keepin’ his cards close to his chest, not wantin’ to tip off the slippery suspect. He declared, “Let him think he be hidin’ behind a mask; we’ll soon unmask him!”

Holloway suspects a couple o’ other cutthroats lurk in the shadows, but he cautions that the truth be like a treasure map—full of twists and turns! So, keep yer spyglasses ready, as the tale of this caper unfolds! Aye, justice be comin' fer those who swim in murky waters!

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