The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be ponderin’ how to parley with them rebel scallywags in Syria, whilst whisperin’ sweet nothings!


Arrr, me hearties! Captain Biden be ponderin’ how to parley with them scallywags who sent old Bashar to Davy Jones’ locker, though the U.S. still brands 'em as doggone rascals! A fine pickle, it be! What a ruckus on the high seas of diplomacy, eh? Yarrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of high seas politics an' the mighty Captain Biden, who be facin' a tangled web of choices. Aye, it be said that a ruckus be brewin' over yonder in the lands of Syria, where a rascally crew hath toppled the scallywag President Bashar al-Assad. But hold yer horses! This motley band o' miscreants be branded a terrorist crew by the good ol' U.S. of A!

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