The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be choosin' his ol' matey from the land of tacos as his trusty First Mate o' Diplomacy!


Ahoy, mateys! Meet Christopher Landau, a seasoned sea dog of the law! He be the sprout of a noble diplomat who sailed the high seas of Latin America, parleyin' as ambassador to three fair lands. Aye, a true buccaneer of diplomacy, savvy?

Arrr matey, gather ‘round and lend an ear to the tale of one Christopher Landau, a swashbucklin’ lawyer with a heart as bold as a treasure map! This scallywag be the spawn of a grand ol’ sea dog, a diplomat who sailed the treacherous waters of politics and reigned as ambassador in not one, not two, but three distant lands in the wilds of Latin America!

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