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Arrr! Black Harris crew be claimin’ they were scallywagged, sayin’ the captains took their loyal crew for naught!


Arrr, matey! The crew o' Black Harris be shoutin’ foul, claimin’ the campaign be guilty of “outright racial shenanigans” and treatin’ 'em like scallywags! So says the scroll from the New York Times, savvy? A right jolly mess, it be!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' the Harris campaign, fraught with treachery and discord. It be said that the crew working under Black Harris be pointin' fingers at the high seas of leadership, claimin' mistreatment and even "outright racial discrimination," much to the chagrin of the New York Times!

In a yarn spun by the Times, a band o' disgruntled staffers took matters into their own hands, claimin' the campaign was as lost as a ship without a compass when it came to reachin' Black and Latino voters in Philadelphia. Many a crew member felt their voices be tossed overboard, ignored by those commandin' the ship.

As the election drew near, frustrations bubbled like a pot o' grog! After losses on the battlefield, Black staffers gathered to share their grievances like sailors at a tavern, exposin' the campaign's woes: filthy offices, lack o' supplies, and a dearth of crew members from their own ranks.

Despite the storm brewin', some leaders declared they had "over-performed" in the city, while the tide turned in favor of Trump, who snagged key votes in the very ports they sought to conquer. In the end, the crew be divided on whether it be a lack o' outreach or a message that fell flat like a ship without sails. Arrr, the seas of politics be treacherous indeed!

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