The Booty Report

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"Arrr, after the N.R.A. claimed victory from the court of high seas, a squabble o'er the truth be brewin'!"


Arrr, me hearties! The high court be settin' sail with the N.R.A. in May, all 'cause of a clandestine parley with a New York landlubber. But lo! The scallywags swear it ne'er took place! Aye, a fine tale of swindlin' and fibbin' on the high seas of justice!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a ruckus in the land o' law and order, where the Supreme Court be settin' sail favorin' the scallywags of the N.R.A.! In the merry month of May, a grand decision was made, but lo and behold, it be tangled in a web o' whispers and shadows.

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