"Ye lands shook like a drunken sailor in Reno and Tahoe, arrr! A quake as jolly as a treasure map!"
Arrr, matey! Thar tremblin' earth be sportin' a mighty 5.5 on the ol' shake-o-meter, says the landlubbers at the U.S. Geological Survey. Aye, even the sea dogs felt it in their bones! Now, where's me rum?
Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve got a tale o’ tremblin’ earth that’ll make ye shiver in yer boots! It be said, by the wise scholars of the U.S. Geological Survey, that a mighty quake o’ 5.5 on the ol’ shake-o-meter struck the land like a cannonball to a ship’s hull!