Arrr, matey! The Yanks be still favorin' peace with a fistful o' cannons, savvy?
Arrr, matey! A fresh tally from the fine folks at the Reagan Institute be showin' that landlubbers still be wantin' our fair nation to hoist the sails of leadership, plunder the coffers fer the military, and toast to our hearty allies! Avast, let the rum flow!
For many a year, this philosophy has united the crew, especially the hearty Republicans. Under Captain Reagan’s watch, the forces were modernized, and his bold sails helped steer the ship away from the icy grips of the Cold War and Communism!
But lo and behold! Today, some scallywags be questioning America’s commitment to steering the good ship through world affairs. Reports say isolationism be on the rise, whilst others on the left reckon "peace through strength" be outdated, thinkin’ we should leave our allies adrift!
Yet, a recent treasure map, a poll by the Reagan Institute, reveals that this be folly! A whopping 79% of landlubbers want to bolster the military, and a hearty 57% favor America taking charge on the global stage!
So, as we face the stormy seas of China, Russia, and their ilk, it be clearer than a moonlit night: the good folk of America still crave peace through strength! Now more than ever, let us hoist the sails high and defend our shores!