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Arrr, California scallywags be hoistin' up their sanctuary flags, sayin' "Nay!" to Trump’s deportation cannonballs! Savvy?


Arrr, matey! San Diego’s scallywags be votin' to bolster the “sanctuary” code, shuttin’ the sneaky gaps that let them ICE landlubbers meddle. Aye, they be tightenin’ the nets to keep the buccaneers safe from the law’s grasp! Avast, no more swabs in our sails!

Arrr matey, gather 'round fer a tale from the fair shores of San Diego County, where the landlubbers have voted to shun the long arms o' federal immigration authorities! Aye, in a raucous 3-1 vote, the scallywags of the county's board be raisin' a flag o' defiance against the dreaded ICE, determin'd to keep their waters free o’ unwanted buccaneers and to protect their own crew.

This here resolution goes beyond California's old sanctuary law, makin' it clear that no help shall be given to them federal folk, not even a wink or a nod! They be refusin' access to county facilities and resolvin' to keep the sails tight against any inquisition from ICE! Aye, 'tis said that when the federal authorities come knockin', they force local constables to do their dirty work, separatin’ families and creatin' fear among honest folk.

But lo and behold, ol' Supervisor Jim Desmond, a lone Republican pirate, be callin’ this move a treachery of the highest order. He warns that it be endangerin’ the good folk by protectin’ lawless scallywags who’ve committed heinous deeds! As the rum flows, the clash o’ opinions be as fierce as a storm at sea, with battles on the horizon as the Trump fleet prepares to set sail into the land o’ deportations!

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