The Booty Report

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"Avast, me hearties! Let’s bolster the Second Amendment and chart a course for a safer America, arrr!"


Arrr, mateys! Country bard John Rich be shoutin' to the scallywags in Congress, sayin' they best haul anchor and set sail fer President Trump’s treasure of a pro-Second Amendment plan! Aye, let not the cannons fall silent, or we’ll be singin’ a sorry tune!

Ahoy, me hearties! The grand spectacle of the 2024 presidential election be behind us, with the raucous voices of the American crew ringing loud for none other than Captain Donald J. Trump, who be settin' sail for the White House with a mighty 312 electoral votes and a treasure trove of 2.6 million popular votes!

This scallywag plans to steer the ship through troubled waters of inflation and borders wide open, all while guardin' the rights of good citizens to bear arms. Arrr, the other contender, a landlubber named Harris, be tryin' to shackle the Second Amendment with chains of regulation, but the good folk chose Trump’s pro-gun compass instead!

With Trump at the helm, he vows to enact national concealed carry reciprocity, so no matey’s right to self-defense be left behind when they sail past state lines! He be also callin' for a repeal of those cursed gun-free zones that invite trouble, for who wants to be disarmed when the villains strike?

So, gather ye lawmakers of the 119th Congress! The crew of freedom-loving souls who backed Captain Trump be callin' on ye to turn his promises into action, lest we be adrift in a sea of regulations. Let’s hoist the sails and make America safe again, or risk walkin' the plank! Yarrr!

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