The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A tempest brews 'twixt Storm Aid and Partisan Power, mateys! A ruckus brewin' in the Carolinas!"


Arrr, as them scallywag Republicans be pushin' a treasure map disguised as hurricane aid, savvy folk from the storm-tossed shores be shoutin' for help! Aye, their bill be sinkin' the Democrats’ ship while the needy be starvin' for a drop o’ kindness. Avast, what a merry mess!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a ruckus brewin’ in the heart of the political tempest! Yonder Republicans be tryin’ to hoist a bill that claims to lend a hand to them poor souls wrestlin’ with the wrath of the hurricanes. But, avast! This be no ordinary charity; it be a sly scheme to shiver the timbers of the Democrats and leave 'em adrift on a sea of despair!

Now, them folks who’ve weathered the fiercest gales be shoutin’ louder than a parrot in a tavern! They be needin’ aid faster than a ship needs wind in its sails! Their homes be battered, their treasures scattered, and all they want be a wee bit o’ help from their landlubber leaders. But instead, they be faced with a bill that be more about political wranglin’ than a hearty rescue.

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