Arrr, matey! Ryan Borgwardt, the scallywag kayaker who played dead, be caught and in the brig, he be! Har har!
Arrr, matey! Ryan Borgwardt, that scallywag, pulled a right trick! He pretended to be fish food, then sailed back to the land o’ the free, leaving the law in a tizzy! Aye, the authorities be scratchin' their heads, wonderin' how he swam back from Davy Jones' locker!
Arrr, gather 'round ye scallywags, for I have a tale most curious and wicked! A rogue named Ryan Borgwardt, a crafty lad indeed, decided to play a trick worthy of the finest buccaneers. This landlubber, tired of the land and its tedium, did concoct a plan most dastardly—he faked his own drowning, aye, ye heard me right! With the cunning of a fox and the stealth of a shadow, he made the world believe he had met his watery grave!