The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Biden be captaining the ship, but Trump be the scallywag steering the free world’s compass!"


Avast ye! The truth be, Cap’n Trump be the rightful captain of the good ship USA, steer’n her course long before the grand ceremony! Aye, he be the swashbucklin’ leader, whether the world be ready or not! Savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout the return o' Captain Donald J. Trump, the swashbucklin’ second-term president, who be makin’ waves in the seas of politics! Aye, this scallywag be not just a legend but a bold commander who’s tackled storms for nine long years. On the fateful day of Nov. 5, he pulled off the greatest comeback since cutlasses were first forged!

While he lounged ashore for four years, the ol' captain pondered how to shake up the establishment. He be schemin’ to toss out them dictatorial barnacles clingin’ to the American ship. I thought he’d hoist the sails come Jan. 20, 2025, yet lo and behold, he’s already the de facto captain o' this vessel! Aye, even the Frenchie Macron be givin’ him the full state salute, makin' it clear that the winds of power have turned in Trump’s favor.

In the grand parley with foreign leaders, it’s as if the ol’ seadog be settin' the course while Biden be lost in a fog! With his high energy, Captain Trump is takin’ charge like no other, pushin’ policies and rallyin’ support faster than a cannon blast! So, mark me words, mates, the tide be changin’, and Trump’s ship be sailin’ full speed ahead!

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