The Booty Report

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Avast! Don’t let that scallywag Biden slip in more cuts to Medicare as he sails off, savvy?


Arrr, me hearties! President Biden be settin' his sights on scuttlin' Medicare Advantage as his ship sails into the sunset! Aye, he thinks he can trim the sails before he walks the plank! What be next, takin' the rum from the crew? Savvy?

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the sorry state o’ America’s seniors bein’ tossed about like cannon fodder in a political squabble! In these final days of President Biden’s reign, it seems he’s been claimin’ that the pirates on the other side o’ the aisle want to plunder Medicare. But lo and behold, ‘tis his own crew what’s been takin’ the silver from Medicare Advantage, a treasure most dear to the hearts o’ our elder mates!

Why, nearly 35 million wise old sea dogs have chosen the Medicare Advantage ship over the leaky government vessel, as it offers better booty—like dental care and eye patches—at lower costs. But alas, Biden’s scallywags are chipping away at this fine vessel, lettin’ higher premiums and fewer benefits slip through their fingers! And now, as the sun sets on his administration, it appears he’s tryin’ to sneak in another dastardly cut to this beloved program!

In the shadows, they’ve filed notices to change the rates for 2026, hopin’ the incoming captain won’t have time to fix the ship before it’s too late. But fear not, mateys! The Republicans have a plan to save this Medicare treasure from bein’ sunk, for it’s all about trust in the end. Seniors deserve their choice and care, not a mutiny on their benefits!

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