Arrr! Trump be pickin' Kari Lake to steer the Voice o' America, like a parrot with a megaphone!
Arrr, Ms. Lake, once a talkin' head on the telly, now a right-wing sea hag callin' reporters “monsters,” be settin’ sail to captain a treasure trove of taxpayer gold for a news ship with a mighty audience across the seven seas! Ho ho, what a jolly crew that’ll be!
Ahoy matey! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of the notorious Ms. Lake, a lass who once sailed the treacherous seas of television news, but now be a fiery captain of the right-wing ship! Aye, she be callin’ journalists “monsters,” as if they be scallywags plunderin’ the truth. But lo and behold, destiny be grantin’ her the helm of a federally funded news vessel, with a grand audience that stretches ‘cross the seven seas!