Avast! New law be shacklin’ them greedy scallywags at big banks from plunderin’ yer doubloons with overdraft fees!
Arrr, matey! It be a mystery if this grand rule, which might keep the doubloons in the pockets of the good folk o’ America, will still be afloat once Captain Trump regains the helm! What a hullabaloo, I say! Keep yer eyes peeled, or ye might be walkin’ the plank!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer a tale of treasure and uncertainty! A rule be blowin' through the seas o' finance, claimin' to save the good folk of this land a bounty o' billions in fees each year. Aye, that be a mighty treasure indeed! But hold yer horses, fer the winds o' change be blowin' fierce! Rumor has it that once the scallywag known as President-elect Donald J. Trump hoists his flag o' office once more, this precious rule may find itself walkin' the plank!