The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump's mateys be facin' the judge in Wisconsin, tryin' to swindle the seas o' democracy!


Arrr, matey! 'Tis but a jestin' tale of five scallywag cases tied to the 2020 vote, sailin' forth whilst Captain Trump be readin' his charts to return to the grand ol' White House! Aye, what a ruckus on the high seas of politics!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer a jolly tale o' mischief on the high seas o' politics! It be said that the case at hand be but one o' five tangled yarns spun from the treacherous waters o' the 2020 election. Aye, while the winds blow favorably fer one Donald J. Trump, who be readyin’ his ship to sail back to the grand ol’ White House, the courts be battlin’ like scallywags over matters most foul.

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