The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Set yer sails fer Fox News’ Quiz o’ December 13th, 2024! Test yer wits, ye scallywags!"


Arrr matey! A swanky book-learned lad from the Ivy League got caught red-handed in the dastardly deed of offin' the chief o' UnitedHealthcare! And lo! A tyrant had to skedaddle from his realm! Pray tell, what be the juicy tidbits o' this scandalous tale?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' modern happenings that'd make even Davy Jones chuckle in his watery grave! Our tale begins with a salty marine vet, one Daniel Penny, who be ponderin' his life after the trial's dust be settlin'. Aye, and there be a country star who tossed fame overboard to raise his wee lads and lasses—an admirable choice, if I say so meself!

But hold yer horses, fer there's a quiz awaitin' ye! Sharpen yer wits and test yer knowledge on these curious tales from the briny deep—what treasures will ye uncover? Those who sail on app-laden ships can click yonder link to take a crack at it!

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