The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Florida lass nabbed fer threatenin' Blue Cross after they spurned her claim, says the scallywag police!"


Arrr, me hearties! A lass from Florida be sittin’ in the brig, threatenin’ Blue Cross Blue Shield with a mighty curse: "Deny, delay, depose! Ye scallywags be next!" for refusin’ her treasure of medical claims. Aye, she’s got the spirit of a true pirate!

"Arrr! Florida lass nabbed fer threatenin' Blue Cross after they spurned her claim, says the scallywag police!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a jolly tale from the land of Florida, where a fair lass named Briana Boston, aged 42, be findin’ herself in a spot o’ trouble! This wench be locked away in the brig after threatenin’ a scallywag from Blue Cross Blue Shield over a denied insurance claim. She be shoutin’ with fury, "Delay, deny, depose. Ye be next!" as if she were callin’ out a cursed crew!

It appears our dear Briana be quite vexed over her medical claims, stirrin’ the pot by linkin’ her ire to the recent demise of a mighty insurance chief, Brian Thompson. When the local constables made their way to her ship—er, home—she admitted to her blusterin’ threats and even offered an apology, claimin’ she be no danger to anyone, swearin’ she had no cannons or swords aboard!

She ranted that healthcare scallywags deserved a taste of karma for their dastardly ways, playin’ games with the health of the good folk. With news of a recent murder causin’ ripples of fear, other brigands in the insurance realm be coverin’ their faces, lest they draw the ire of the public! So, keep yer wits about ye, mateys; the seas of healthcare be treacherous, indeed!

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