The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Biden be summonin' spirits of yore, while Trump claims he’ll teach the landlubbers anew! Ho ho ho!


Avast ye hearty souls! Set yer sights on the freshest tales from Fox News Opinion! Gaze upon the raucous ramblings of Sean Hannity and the jests of Raymond Arroyo. Join the merry crew and feast yer eyes on their moving pictures! Arrr, don’t be a landlubber!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the state o’ affairs in the land of politics. Our trusty Fox News scallywag, Hannity, be takin’ aim at the Biden crew, claimin’ their immigration legacy be as full o' holes as a shipwrecked vessel. With Captain Trump's return on the horizon, the seas be churnin’ with excitement!

Meanwhile, the wise ol’ sea dog, Hewitt, warns the Republicans they be sailin’ into murky waters if they delay their tax booty. Aye, delayin’ legislation be like lettin’ the rum run dry on a long voyage!

Then we have Betsy DeVos, chartin’ a course to make education great again with her fancy ideas, whilst Gutfeld be sayin’ their constant banter has made Trump look like a dashing rogue ready to rescue the day. But beware, me hearties! Dronin’ on about vulnerabilities hints at stormy weather ahead.

And what be this? The return o' Captain Trump brings hope to families o’ hostages in Gaza. The tides be turnin’, and the crew be wonderin’ if the Supreme Court be lettin’ the fair maidens of sports drown in despair. So hoist the sails and let the winds of change blow, for the political seas be ever turbulent!

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