The Booty Report

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"Ye ol' Supreme Court’s settin' sail to ponder a holy ship’s treasure chest—tax breaks fer the pious, arrr!"


Avast, matey! The justices be settin’ sail to ponder an appeal from yon Wisconsin court, claimin’ that the charity be as holy as a landlubber’s parrot! Arrr, not enough divine magic to earn their holy treasure, it seems!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for I be havin’ a tale from the landlubbers of Wisconsin! The justices, them scallywags of the high court, did come to a grand decision, aye! They set their sights on an appeal, all starry-eyed and ready for adventure, pertainin' to a charity that be claimin’ to be as holy as a parrot on a preacher's shoulder!

Now, ye see, this charity was deemed not quite religious enough by the wise men of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. They looked upon the charity's doin's and said, “Arrr, this be more like a fish fry than a holy rite!” So, the justices, with their powdered wigs and serious faces, agreed to take a gander at this appeal, seekin' to chart the murky waters of what counts as truly religious.

Will they sail forth and declare the charity a beacon of piety, or send it back to the galley for more seasoning? Time will tell, but one thing be certain, this tale be as twisty as the sea itself! So hoist the sails, me hearties, for the court be settin’ sail on a voyage through legal waters, where even the most pious of charities can find themselves walkin' the plank!

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