The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump’s sneaky dealings be afoot when the moon be high and the rum be flowin’, savvy?


Arrr, at his treasure trove called Mar-a-Lago in the sunny lands of Florida, the soon-to-be captain be feastin' with diplomats, choosin' his crew, and shootin' messages to his mateys—all while the moon be risin'! Aye, the night be alive with piratical politics!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the tale o' the president-elect, who be holdin' court at his grand palace known as Mar-a-Lago, nestled in the sunny shores o' Florida! Aye, as the sun dips below the horizon, he doth summon the finest truce-makers fer grand diplomatic feasts, raisin' tankards o' rum and makin' merry with the finest grub ye can find on this side o' the seven seas.

This scallywag be not just a jolly host, nay! He also be pointin’ fingers and declarin’ who shall be part o' his crew, choosin' cabinet picks like a captain castin’ off for a grand adventure. With a flick o’ his wrist, he be sendin' messages faster than a cannonball flyin' through the air, textin' his trusty aides like they be his loyal shipmates ready to follow him into the stormy seas of governance!

So, while the rest o' the landlubbers be sleepin' snug in their beds, this bold captain be keepin’ the night alive with his antics and schemes, livin’ the high life under the moonlit sky, and lettin' naught a moment go to waste. Yarrr, let the winds blow fair for this jolly buccaneer and his merry band o' landlovers!

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